WHO MUST REGISTER? 2. Partners of a General Professional Partnership (GPP) involved in the practice of taxation, accountancy, and/or auditing; their duly certified officers or representative who appear or elsewhere take part in taxes practice before the BIR regularly. 3. General Professional Partnership involved in the practice of taxation, accountancy and auditing who regularly shows up or otherwise involved in taxes practice before the BIR.
4. Officers or certified reps of integrated business entities involved in accounting duly, tax or auditing consultancy services. WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE QUALIFICATION OF APPLICANTS? SECTION 4 ( RR 11-2006) – Minimum qualification of Applicants – Generally, the grant of accreditation will be based on the applicant’s professional competence, integrity and moral fitness. 1. He must be Certified Public Accountant ( CPA) with current professional permit from the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). 3. He must be of good moral character as qualified under oath by at least two (2) disinterested individuals who are either people of the Philippine Bar or AN AVOWED Public Accountants in good standing up. 5. He must be a citizen of the Philippines.
- Schedule Your Exercise Time
- Things that raise cortisol (not an exhaustive list)
- Operating Systems
- Pay Attention
- Compile a video library of the exercises in your online training programs
- Few side effects
6. He must have completed at least six (6) hours per season or total of eighteen (18) hours for the 3 years of continuing professional education (CPE) in taxation from training/workshops conducted by the BIR ( Ex. 2. The partnership is one signed up with Exchange and Securities Commission payment. 2. The applicant-officers or duly certified reps thereof must meet all the qualfications of an individual as prescribed under Section 4(a) hereof. WHAT ARE THE ACCREDITATION PROCEDURES? I- WHERE TO FILE? All applicant shall accomplished their software for accreditation in the proper execution to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
II – WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS? A. Certificate of sign up with the Board of Accountancy (BOA) and current permit with the Professional Regulations Commission, if a CPA, or Attorney’s Roll Number and Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Compliance Number, if an attorney. 2. Written qualification of continuing professional education (CPE) units of at least six (6) hours per yr or total of eighteen (18) hours for the three years in taxation conducted by BIR ( ex girlfriend or boyfriend. 2. FOR THE PARTNERS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, OR DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF GENERAL PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP AND INCORPORATED ENTITIES ENGAGED IN ACCOUNTING AND TAX CONSULTANCY. B. Other appropriate requirements for a person applicant, or in lieu thereof . Section 4(A) of these regulations.
D. List of all current partners, directors, officers, affiliates or representatives duly authorized by the GPP to do something on it’s behalf in representing it’s customer before the BIR. 3. FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND GPP’S ACCREDITED BY BOA AND SEC. B. Certified true copy of SEC Certificate of Accreditation. Each applicant shall pay a non refundable processing fee of Five hundred pesos ( P 500.00) upon filing of his software for accreditation.
If the candidate is an over-all professional collaboration (GPP), each partner shall pay the fee and authorized representative thereof. Regarding incorporated entities engaged in accounting and tax consultancy services, the fee will be paid by each of the applicant officers or designated representative thereof. Only those Tax Agents/Practitioners.