What is a DBA? If the owners of an organization want to do business using a name that is different from the original name used to form the business, they must register the supplementary name. For singular partnerships and proprietorships the original name is the actual name of the dog owner or partners.
This secondary name doesn’t replace the original name but acts as an additional, legal name for the business. This name is known by several terms such as trade name, fictitious business name, and assumed name. The procedure for processing this name is called filing for DBA registration often or doing business as. For instance, if “Frank’s Hot Dogs LLC” desires to do business as “Best Hot Dogs in Town” then your owners have to document a DBA. Under Illinois rules, all businesses are required to enroll alternative trade titles by processing for a DBA if the business seeks to operate under a different name than the name used when it was formed.
In the situation of a sole proprietorship, any name unique of the owner’s legal name requires enrollment. The first rung on the ladder in filing your DBA is to find the business names already used in Illinois and that means you can determine if the name you want to use is available. That database can be found here and it is a useful tool in clearing the proposed assumed name or DBA.
Note: phrases such as “incorporated,” “inc.” etc. can’t be used, nor can deceptive or vulgar phrases. Once a business name is chosen, you fill out a Certificate of Assumed Name form and document it with the county clerk in the state where the business is located. Note: Some counties require that the notarization and publication of the paperwork.
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This means a notary public must officially signal your form. You can find out more about notarization here. If you have to post your DBA registration, which means you’ve surely got to have established notice imprinted in a newspaper in the state where the business operates. If required in your region, this publication must happen more than 15 days after you file the DBA know.
Assumed titles are also liable to expire after five years. You can go for Corporate and business Assumed Name renewal here. Also consult with your county clerk for local requirements for renewing your assumed name. Getting an assumed name for you company by submitting a DBA enrollment will not change how your business is taxed. If you’re prepared to file a DBA Today LegalZoom can help you get started. We can help you file the paperwork with a state and can get you touching a lawyer or tax professional to answer specific questions.
While sometimes BPR may lead to layoffs, additionally, it may create new employment opportunities. When Ford Motor was trying to reduce its cost, it discovered that the procedure at its accounts payable department would have to be re-engineered. The reengineering helped to simplify the handles, and keeping the financial information more accurately, that too after laying off 75 percent of the staff from the accounts payable division. Today’s businesses prefer to outsource a few of their processes to other firms.